Shake shake shake, shake shake shake, shake your bootie! Hahahahahaha!

Humans carry stress, anxiety, and trauma around with them every day.
Animals shake when they experience trauma or anxiety. Once a fight between two dogs is over, both dogs will shake to calm their nervous systems and quiet the fight, flight, or freeze response. This enables them to move on without the physical memory of the situation.

How to work through the physical memories being stored in your body!
Shaking releases pain. While lying on your back after waking up or just before going to sleep, raise your legs up in the air and shake, kick and imagine the tension leaving your body.
You will help to relieve any discomfort you may have and you will sleep better. 

Gentle shaking: Start with your feet and work your way up, one body part at a time, or you can turn on a song that mirrors the way you’re feeling and sing, dance, laugh or cry until you feel physically and emotionally satisfied. All of these things will help give the emotion a voice and move the emotion out of your body.

The trillion of cells in our body holds onto many types of memories. Your happy memories help your mind, body and spirit soar.
Unhappy memories stored in the cells hinder our growth. We can release those negative memories by laughing. Real or fake hearty laughter will have a cathartic effect on your whole system.
Add a little shake to your laughter and you’ll start laughing at yourself.
You may also want to check out this video for shaking exercises, hahaha!

A recent experience of how powerful laughter can be, was when my car was stolen from my parking spot at my apartment building on January 9.
Instead of crying and feeling like a victim, I kept my calm and wits about me. I called the police and my insurance company and dealt with the issue at hand.
I feel very confident that whatever happens will be a blessing.

Write: Keeping a journal is a proven therapeutic way to release stress
It’s  an effective way to release the emotions and create a more peaceful state of being.

To create an emotional tool-kit and help regulate your nervous system and soothe any discomforts you may have, add affirmations to your morning, noon and evening rituals.    

Affirmations to put in your emotional treasure chest of joy:    

The first affirmation: Non-judgment, (I am perfect in every way)
The second: Permission, (I give myself permission to be ME)
The thirdl: Release, (I release all negative emotions)
The fourth: Forgiveness, (I am confident in all that I do)
Fifth: Time, (There is more than enough time for everything)

Repeat these affirmations throughout the day.

Humming Meditation: With so much negativity in the outside world, one faces a continuous chain of negative thoughts which makes us agitated and restless. One of the objectives of any meditation is to bring down the number of thoughts, as less thoughts means less reaction, less agitation and one feels more calm and peaceful. Humming is a great way to break the chain of thoughts and their reactions and help relax the body and mind.

Life is better when you’re laughing. When you find yourself being too serious laugh it off.
As Milton Berle once said, “Laughter is an instant vacation!”
Have an amazingly happy filled laughter week!

Joyful blessings,

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