Inspirational Gallery

Horse Therapy, Laughter Therapy with Lumen Essence

“Horse kisses, horse laughter is the best medicine in the world.”

Talking to your horse is sometimes all the therapy you need.”
” Horses change lives. They give our young people confidence and self-esteem. They provide peace and tranquility to troubled souls, they give us hope. “
Horses are completely honest, with no hidden agendas or hidden fear. They want to be in balance always.

“A horse is not just a horse. He is sanity. He is happiness. He is a teacher. A therapist. A best friend.”

There is no better place to heal a broken heart than on the back of a horse.

“Horses carry the wisdom of healing in their hearts and offer it to any human who possesses the humility to listen.”

“Be as gentle to yourself in this time as you would be to your horse… or a family member… or a close friend in their time of need.”

“I call my horses ‘divine mirrors’—they reflect back the emotions you put in. If you put in love and respect and kindness and curiosity, the horse will return that.”

Healing from loss is a journey of the soul. Our horses seem to just stand by our side with strength and beauty and speak to our soul.

“Grief sometimes feels dark. Horses help us see the sunshine.” 

” It’s amazing what a healing effect horses can have on kids, particularly troubled kids, that might bridge the gap that a well intended human just can’t do.” 

” Spiritually horses can bring you to a better place. They can cause your spirit to become more empathetic, kind, positive and hopeful.

A horse is who they are everyday, come take yourself back and create your own story of who you are.

Call Kathryn to book your Happiness Journey Series Program


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