With so much negativity in the outside world, one faces a continuous chain of negative thoughts which makes
us agitated and restless. One of the objectives of any meditation is to bring down the number of thoughts, as less
thoughts means less reaction, less agitation and one feels more calm and peaceful. Humming is a great way to
break the chain of thoughts and their reactions and help relax the body and mind.

It is a Yogic technique which involves production of certain sounds by closing your mouth and consciously humming into your head. The vibrations produced as a result are very relaxing for facial muscles, head muscles and also has a lulling effect on the brain cells which is extremely relaxing.

Humming involves deep and slow inhalation followed by prolonged exhalation which slows down the breathing
rate significantly. Normally we breathe 15-17 times in a minute but with humming you can bring it down to 4-6
a minute which helps to slow down your heart rate and brings down your stress level.

During a laughter yoga session, humming is incorporated into my class as a breathing exercise. So many people are unaware of the benefits of humming.
It is my mission to share the many benefits of attending weekly Laughter Yoga classes.

Benefits of Humming

Apart from relaxation, humming helps to induce deep sleep without dreams which is considered the best quality
of sleep. It also helps those suffering from insomnia and disturbed sleep. It is good for chronic sinusitis as it
dislodges the mucus with the sound of the vibrations. It also controls high blood pressure and helps to enhance
memory. It brings a self awareness about your work and stimulates the creative part of your brain.

10 Instant Benefits of Humming by Carole Fogarty

1: Grounds and brings you back to your centre. I personally find it helps settle the feeling of being restless or
scattered on the inside.

2: Promotes clarity of thinking by refreshing your mind. You can physically feel the vibration of the “hum”.

3: Has a very relaxing and soothing effect on your neck, face, head and shoulder muscles, which helps
dissolve stress. Try it, you’ll be surprised.

4: Humming reduces the number of thoughts that fill your head. When you are humming there is no room for over thinking.

5: Humming puts a smile on your face and clears the cobwebs from your brain.

6: Helps dissolve unproductive thinking. .If you are having a bout of negativity, jump straight into a few rounds of “hmmmm” and notice a shift in your thinking.

7: Calms your nervous system, boosts your immune system as it activates the parasympathetic nervous system.

8:. “Humming creates a wonderful circuit of energy in your body re-vitalizing its cells and charging its
chakra’s” as quoted by Deva Premal, who is well known for her chanting CD’s.

9: Improves sinusitis. The vibration helps shifts and clears pathways and blockages

10: Lowers blood pressure as proven by Dr. Kataria. 5 minutes of humming can reduce your blood pressure
between 10 – 20 mmHg

How to practice a simple humming mediation:

1 – Find a quiet place, close your eyes, straighten your spine and neck, drop your shoulders – and
relax. Gently touch your lips together so your hum can travel easily into your head, face and
neck muscles. Relax your jaw. Play some soft background music to enhance your experience.

2 – Take a deep slow breath in, and then create a “mmm” sound on your exhale, without opening
your lips. Continue to hum for the length of your exhale. You can make it musical but
traditionally it’s more of a tone than a tune.

3 – Re-new breathe then continue. It’s that simple.

Start with 1 minute and increase over time to 15 minutes. One key point which is shared by many yogic and Tibetan wisdoms is the importance of sitting still for a few minutes after your humming meditation.

Have an amazingly happy filled laughter/humming day!
Laughing Kathryn

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