The Vagus Nerve

Discover the significance of the lesser-known but highly crucial part of your physiology.

The Vagus Nerve, which you may not have heard of before is a cranial nerve that goes down your neck and into your torso.

The Vagus nerve interfaces with the parasympathetic control of the heart, lungs, and digestive tract. It’s the longest nerve of the autonomic nervous system

The benefits of exercising this nerve helps you break habitual patterns of tension and to shift out of an activated state, to being a little more calm and being a little more present. You will help to relax the muscles and release tension in the neck, and your breathing might be a little easier, more calm, and just maybe some emotions may come up.

More benefits: exercise to rewire your brain from anxiety and stress from the neck down into the rib cage and into your torso, releasing and relaxing into the viscera (the large internal organs in the body cavity, especially in the abdominal cavity).

Vagus Nerve exercises will help with any injury to your ribs, surgeries to your ribs, heart surgery, cracked ribs, abdominal surgeries, physical trauma to your torso, and emotional trauma.
When doing these exercises, less is actually more beneficial. That means do 3 repeats instead of 4, 5 or 6.

Exercise 1: Neck Mobility

– right arm and hand behind head

– tilt head to R, eyes up & to the L, hold 30 seconds

– left arm & hand behind head

– tilt head to L, eyes up & to the R, hold 30 seconds minimum to longer

Do a couple of laughter or breathing exercises in between each of these exercises.

Exercise 2: Torso and Viscera release

cross left arm across the body under your breasts, hand on spleen meridian and pull ribs in with hand

– right arm and hand behind head

– tilt head to R, eyes up & to the L, hold 30 seconds, then

left arm & hand behind head

– tilt head to Left, eyes up and to the Right, hold 30 seconds minimum to longer

Do a couple more laughter or breathing exercises in between each of these exercises.

Exercise 3: Rib Cage Mobility

– lie down

– rest on elbows under shoulders

– look over your shoulder, eyes over shoulder, release then do other shoulder

Do a couple of laughter or breathing exercises in between each of these exercises.

If you would like to laugh along with me, click on this link

Here is a video you can watch and follow along with to exercise the Vagus Nerve.

Be the boss of your own health. Everything healthy from the brain, the body to your spirit, is all innate.

The Vagus Nerve, what a gem of a tool to have in our treasure trove of exercises.
Haha have a great day and keep on laughing!

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