Embarking on the journey to freedom requires the desire to be happy, the courage to listen to your heart and the willingness to let go of anything that no longer serves you. When you honour your soul’s guidance to walk this path, your personal transformation is inevitable.

Stress is too expensive to be ignored in today’s fast moving and constantly changing world, people are struggling to keep up. This inability to cope is manifesting itself in stress related diseases such as cancer, heart attacks, strokes, depression, pain, exclusion from the human race, and anxiety.
Diseases like cancer come from repressed rage and diabetes comes from repressed grief.

Diabetes: is also a major cause for heart diseases. Recent scientific study proves that Laughter Yoga has a profound impact on diabetes. The study confirmed a marked drop in the sugar levels after few days of hearty extended laughter.

It is similar to exercise in that it improves the overall performance of the heart’s muscular function and helps ward off heart disease and lower blood sugar. It also stimulates positive emotions and a more positive outlook. Negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, and sorrow are known to be factors that elevate the blood glucose level.

Laughter is a great way to cope and we now know that being able to cope also influences your body’s biochemistry, helping to insure that the chemical messages are working for you, not against you.

Having diabetes is stressful. Laughter is part of the solution. We all know that laughter is the best medicine, and that it influences your body’s biochemistry.
After decades of study and research it is becoming widely accepted as a legitimate therapy to deal with a variety of diseases, as well as promote better overall wellness in body, mind and spirit.
Laughter yoga has proved to be an effective complementary and preventive therapy in reducing postprandial levels of blood glucose. Therefore, it contributes to long-term regulation of type 2 diabetes.

Vishwamohan, a member of a laughter club in Vijaywada suffered from chronic diabetes, diabetic neuropathy, high blood pressure and cardiac problems for a long time. His pain was never ending until he joined  a laughter club after which he gradually started feeling good. He now celebrates the day he joined his laughter yoga club as his birthday. Aruna Kalway and D C Rathi, members of his laughter club also suffered from diabetes. I am happy they are now out of it and need no medication.”

Continue to focus on the many people and things that bring you joy in this life. Your true destiny is bliss and joy, as it is for everyone around you. Spend time contemplating the many lessons you have learned on your journey together and see how you can help manifest joy in your life and in the lives of everyone you meet.

Thank you for sharing your life’s celebrations with Joy, Love and Peace!

 Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, University Clinical Centre Maribor, Slovenia

                  Get in Touch with Your Happy Self

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