You’ve been hearing about Covid-19 non-stop now for over a month and a half, and I’m sure you’re as fed up with it as I am.
I’m ready to move forward with my life outside my own living space with as much normalcy as possible.
I need to hold my mom, my children, my grandchildren and my friends in my arms, never to take them for granted again.

I’ve read and watched videos about how the planet is being restored back to it’s near original state of being and how the animals are finding the freedom to move around, outside their comfort zones and I am filled with gratitude.
I am grateful for all the front-line workers who are taking such great care of our families, our friends and friends of friends and so on.

We need to be thankful every day as this is a time to reflect, grow and rejuvenate, and to become aware of how fragile our lives are and our world. We must appreciate and give thanks to all that has been given to us in the past but especially now for our future planet’s well-being.

In the midst of all this disruption and isolation there will be challenges for all.
We need to remain strong and to be brave as we move closer to the beginning of what has dramatically changed our very existence.

Like many businesses, my laughter yoga business has slowed down because of the isolation policies in place. But, I have found a virtual way of bringing laughter into the lives of my club members, and to my YOUNG at HEARTS in the retirement homes and nursing homes.
Laughing on Zoom, Bluejean and Skype have been our inlet to let our child-like spirits soar regardless of the challenges that are set out before us. Technology can be a wonderful addition to our lives, especially when it can be of service to others.

I read this story written by Julie Garcia from Houston Texas about three Houston Texans who have been using Laughter as a means to keep their the spirits elevated and to help their immune systems fight off the virus.
Please have a read to see how the coronavirus has changed their lives.

April showers bring May flowers

What a delight to see the beauty in our world in transition to climate change.
I am looking forward to planting the seeds of my heart and watching them bloom to their fullest glory.
In order for our seeds to grow hardily and to sow the efforts of our hard work, we need to awaken our spirit, listen to our inner guide and then watch our dreams manifest.

Here is a beautiful meditation to listen to and watch. I love the sound of the rain and the gentle music that accompanies the splendor of nature at its finest.
Sit in a comfortable chair, legs up and breathe in deeply through the nose from the diaphragm and breathe out through the mouth with a nice long sigh.
Do this a few times breathing in and repeating mentally the word, “CALM”, and breathing out the words, “I AM healthier than I have ever been”.
Then normalize your breathing, relax your entire body, mind and spirit and listen.

I am here for you in spirit and in full body presence.
HAHAHA happy May flowers!

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