Part Three
Exercises for Social Awareness

10. Really live in the moment

  • In whatever situation, just be present, fully experience what is happening now.
    Do not think about the past or the future or try to multi-task.
  • Instead, when meeting with someone, concentrate fully on the discussion.
  • When on the phone focus on the conversation; do not read emails or watch TV.

All of this is going to allow you to simply live a better life knowing and understanding other people and experiencing the moment to the fullest. Don’t forget to laugh together.

11. Tour around for 15 minutes
We get stuck with our own worlds so much that we fail to notice what happens around us. And we can actually learn so much from it. 
So when you are at the office, observe the behaviour around you: when do people walk around and go to speak to others and who do they talk to; what are their moods; how are their desks arranged; what are individuals feeling; what is the group mood overall; what do you see and hear? Do this once a day for 15 minutes. 
This is not stalking; this is learning about the people around you. Remember to SMILE!

12. Go people-watching
Similar to the above, when you go out for a brunch, a walk, or any other situation outside among people and you are alone, just observe their interactions, emotions and moods, how and what they eat or do, how they make eye contact, their facial expressions, their body language etc. 
A friend once told me that when he retires he’d like to just sit on a bench all day and observe people. I thought this was an admirable dream. 
This will help you develop your empathy skills and how to read and understand people better. 

13. Develop an elevator question
We all fall into awkward situations when we meet someone new and we have to have a conversation. It’s easy at the beginning of the encounter but you not always click with everyone so eventually you’ll face those weird silent moments. 
An easy trick when the conversation starts to drop is to just ask “What do you think about _____?”
That opens up the other person to share their opinion and it’s an open ended question so the answer won’t be two words. 
Ideally, avoid politics or religion as these topics might lead to conflicts.

To break the ice where ever you are, smile, even laugh a little to help make you feel good and other’s who happen to cross your path. I mean, isn’t that why were here, at this time, to be of service to others. This positive feeling remains with you even after the laughter subsides. Laughing and smiling helps you to keep a positive, optimistic outlook through difficult situations, disappointments, and loss. 

Have an amazingly haha happy filled laughter day!
Namaste, Shanti, Agape!

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