Capturing spirit can feel as simple and natural as waking up in the morning.

Begin by removing the burden you have placed upon yourself. Make “relax” your new mantra.
As you learn to let go more and more, you can evoke in yourself the purity of thought and abundance of knowledge that guides us in a life of integrity.
Once you open yourself up to receive, joy fills your soul and the language of peace blossoms.

The process of spiritual healing starts by telling the truth. There are three levels of truth: the facts, how I feel about the facts, and where I stand in relation to the facts. Expressing the truth, especially at the feeling and relational levels, brings us closer to a reality aligned with wellness.

Do not pursue spirit; become it! Allow life, do not force it. Expect love; do not fabricate it. Tell truth; do not calculate it.
Share openly; do not conceal it.
Every higher aspiration will invite you to participate in the higher vibration that it provides.

Let’s unleash our hearts to what they are meant to do: focus on life without distractions or the blinders of ego, and manifest, through simple gestures in everyday life, our deepest intent to help and to hear ourselves and the world.

Let’s get on with the innate kindness of life and evoke bountiful health because it’s our birthright.

Spiritual healing isn’t reserved for the saints. It isn’t like asking for special favours, but like accepting an inheritance from loving parents. It means saying yes to nature, and yes to ourselves as part of nature. It means looking life in the eye and expressing “please and thank you” from the deepest regions of the heart.

It means reconnecting our roots to the source within and finally, finally receiving the goods.

RE-member, find your truth and set yourself free!

With utmost appreciation from my heart to yours,
Your loving friend,
Laughing Kathryn

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