Today’s life of constant worry-cycles can be very stressful. Stress and negative emotions can trigger allergic skin reactions, as well as asthma. Hay fever and eczema are regulated in part by hormones released into the bloodstream in response to stress. Laughter Yoga is an effective way of reducing stress, lowering stressful toxins, and even clearing allergies.

The most common cause of childhood asthma and respiratory allergies is genetic. But physical and emotional stress caused by anger and anxiety and frustration are also asthma triggers. Teens with asthma tend to be more depressed and use drugs and alcohol. This is likely a consequence of impeded breathing leading to a decrease in age-appropriate activities This leads to complicated adolescent development of self-identity. Hyperventilating and rapid breathing can further worsen asthma attacks.

The usual therapeutic method of lung-clearing for asthmatic patients is blowing forcefully into an instrument and blowing up balloons. Laughter Yoga does the same job more easily and in a fun setting.

When allergy season arrives and that could mean all year round for some, scientific studies have proven that respiratory allergies like asthma and bronchitis are caused not only by physical allergens but also by a negative state of mind.

We are subjected to constant (or chronic) stress that results in a wide variety of stress-related illness including respiratory allergies which affect  the breathing pattern and can at times lead to severe condition of breathlessness.

Laughter Yoga has a profound positive impact on allergies, with many practitioners reporting complete disappearance of all symptoms of asthma, skin and other allergies. Though not an intervention for countering physical causes of allergies, laughter is a definite tool to remedy stress. It can help in reducing the risk factors by boosting the immune system, encouraging deep breathing and flushing the lungs of stale air and generating a feeling of wellness.

It is a new exercise routine that combines laughter with yogic breathing. It encourages deep diaphragmatic breathing which can have a positive effect on asthma. It also increases the number and activity level of natural killer cells, which attack virus-infected cells and keep allergies at bay.

Hearty extended laughter is the best exercise for those suffering from asthma and bronchitis. It improves lung capacity and oxygen levels in the blood. It also flushes the lungs, strengthens the diaphragm and promotes healthier diaphragmatic breathing.

Tip to Remember: Laugh & Breathe

Tra lalalala hahaha!

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