You are much greater than you think you are. “You are a spiritual being having a human experience.”*

We tend to think of the mind in terms of gaining knowledge and increasing capacity for learning via the brain. But the mind is capable of much more. We become habitual thinkers, cluttering our minds and preventing self-knowledge which comes from the soul. This cluttering inhibits heart-felt decision-making. The deceptive mind becomes overloaded with fear, doubt, guilt and indecisiveness. Round and round it goes until and unless mindfulness makes us aware of what we are thinking.

On the other hand, our soul-essence never leads us astray, judges or limits us. It encourages us to seek with passion the pursuits that fuel our growth. Self-realization is discovering who you are and empowering you with strength to stand for honesty, purity, unchallengeable truth and power.

Perpetual monkey-mind thinking leads us to self-doubt and critical thinking. Become aware of these traps and allow each moment to enrich your life. Use your mind to permit the higher level of intuition to access the heart and fulfil your unique calling.

You are not what you think you are. Your true power lies in free-flowing fluid thought. You have the choice to allow each moment, each event in your life to enrich you and free you from the bindings of rigidity.

The soul loves silence because it is shy, and silence helps it feel safe. The soul loves laughter because it seeks truth, and laughter often reveals reality.
But above all, the soul loves life and both silence and laughter are life-giving”.**

* attributed to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
** attributed to Parker J. Palmer

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